hiphaajat karana example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Save the table design by clicking at File item of menu bar followed by click at Save option.
These are meant to facilitate such operations as add new record, delete record, undo record, save record, duplicate and print record.
Besides this, there are five command buttons, each dedicated to Add Record, Undo Record, Delete Record, Save Record and Close.
Click File % Save (or Press Ctrl+S) to save a query.
To begin with formulate, create and save a query, which is capable of providing a record set as the information source of report.Given are the examples of hindi word hiphaajat karana usage in english sentences. The examples of hiphaajat karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., save.
During some days he gets enough earning for him to save some amount after buying all his day-to-day necessities.
Save the table design by clicking at File item of menu bar followed by click at Save option.
These are meant to facilitate such operations as add new record, delete record, undo record, save record, duplicate and print record.
Besides this, there are five command buttons, each dedicated to Add Record, Undo Record, Delete Record, Save Record and Close.
Click File % Save (or Press Ctrl+S) to save a query.
A report is exported to Excel by following the same steps as have been listed above while saving a report as snapshot, except that before clicking save button in (c) above, one has to select Microsoft Excel 2000/2002 from list control next to Save as type.
In India, the Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) advises people how to save petrol/diesel while driving.
The story is about Bimala, the wife of Nikhilesh, a liberal landlord who believes that he can save his country by patiently bettering the lives of its poor and marginal sections.
We can make them aware by passing on this information and save the Nature.
संबंधित शब्द हिफा़जत करना के पर्यायवाची